Flaming Mountain

Flaming Mountain was made well know in Chinese literature by the classic novel Journey to the West. The story is about the monk Xuan Zang and his 3 disciples who traveled west in search of the Buddhist sutra The mountain was a formidable barrier which they had to cross.

Also named Red Hill by local people, the mountain stretches 98 km from west to east in the Turpan Basin with a width of 9 km. It is generally about 500 meters high, the highest part is 851 meters above sea level. Purplish-brown in color, they look like they are on fire in the midday sun, hence the name.

Flaming Mountain is regarded as the hottest place in China, the temperature may reach 50 degree Celsius in the summer. But in the valleys of the mountain, you will find an escape from the scorching summer heat, where are inhabited by diligent Uygur people. They made these valleys into nice places to live and planted many trees and fruits.

camels in turpansculptures at flaming mountain

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